The Founding Principles

Introducing The Founding Principles

July 31, 2020 Guest Writer 2

The Founding Principles: An Introduction While The Founding Project does not typically publish editorial pieces, this one seems to be a fitting introduction to a meme series The Founding Project will be rolling out over the coming weeks, which is all about The Founding Principles.  The Founding Principles are the ideals or concepts our Founders believed were the base of freedom and a guide for citizens to maintain the freedom for which they fought to hard to attain. As an introduction to this meme series, The Founding Project introduces a guest writer, who has served our nation and whose son now currently also serves.  Further, our guest writer also works to benefit the Gary Sinise […]

Our Founders

Building a Great Nation, Part 3 ~ God, Source of Freedom

January 13, 2020 Guest Writer 0

God is the Source of Freedom; Building a Great Nation-Part 3 God is the Source of Freedom is Part 3 of the series: Building a Great Nation While the Declaration of Independence was declaring freedom Great Britain, it was also a declaration of dependence upon God for protection and deliverance, as well as an appeal to him to aid them in their righteous justification for seeking freedom: “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions,… with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence…” It was obvious to many of the founders that God had granted the gift of freedom. In 1774, Thomas Jefferson is quoted to have […]

Our Country

Freedom’s Calling

November 25, 2019 Eric Buss 0

Our Founders’ Spirit When our American Founders saw the need for freedom, they uttered a cry to unite for the freedom of all.  That calling continues to us all today, at home and abroad.  Do we hear that calling?  Will we hear that calling?  And, when we do, it is wondered how Americans will respond. Freedom’s Calling Candles dance and then resign What passion’s left to pay remind? What moments pass that beg for change, What destined drives and begs remain? A calm demeanor the coward’s tempt, Base excuse to be exempt From toil and cause to give in trade. Passing ember for this time was made. Stand, be true and mark this day, When […]

The Founding Principles

Building a Great Nation 2: Faith Paradigm

November 18, 2019 Guest Writer 0

Building a Great Nation – Part 2 The Faith Paradigm  The second part of “Building a Great Nation” addresses what America’s Founders believed to be a key element for freedom, faith.  A requirement for faith and both a virtuous citizenry and elected officials to support and protect freedom are among the 28 Founding Principles left for posterity as the recipe for liberty. One Nation Under God Part 2     When colonists came to the New World seeking religious freedom, most brought with them their Bibles so they would have the Word of God to guide them. The new settlers recognized that God is the source of truth and strength and believed God would reveal His will, truths and laws through the prophets and scriptures. […]

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