The Founding Project…
Our Mission: As an educational nonprofit organization, we are committed to a grassroots effort to provide approachable, accessible information about the Founding Principles, America’s Founding, the United States Constitution, Civics and related concepts via the TFP website, video series, meme series, educational materials and social media to promote unity and understanding and to restore and preserve our constitutional republic.
The Studies…The Problem
Recent studies brought concern that most adult citizens of the United States cannot pass the simple multiple choice citizenship test required of new U. S. citizens, The Founding Project was begun to help remedy this problem.
A Solution
Using social media and information geared to busy citizens with little time to seek out this type of information, The Founding Project helps bring this crucial education to everyday citizens through social media, our website, and technology…literally, taking Civics to Citizens. The Founding Project, not only advocates for Civics Education, but also provides it…or not just “talking the talk”, but also “walking the walk”.
The Method
Our team of dedicated volunteers assists with distributing TFP information via social media to help draw citizens to our website for further informative materials, while our writers, meme editors and video hosts contribute their efforts to deliver reliable information to grassroots America about the concepts crucial to their freedom and the management of their lives. Everyday citizens can also be a part of this effort by simply sharing our information with others in their lives and we ask all of our members to take this cause seriously by distributing TFP information via their social media, as well.
The Goals
Imagine 5,000 patriotic Americans taking Civics to 10 of their friends to result in the impact of 50,000 fellow Americans learning about our Founding, our Constitution and our government!
Now, consider what happens when those 50,000 also share the information with 10 of their friends…and just imagine how each of us can be a part of this historic and uniting movement…
Every Citizen Can Join this Effort…the Civics Movement
Every American can be a part of this effort to Take Civics to Citizens and join us to help restore Unity, Understanding, Freedom and our Constitutional Republic.
This is our mission, our quest. Please consider joining us in it.
The Founding Project…Freedom through Knowledge. Together.
The Founding Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization based in the midwest and with staff and members from across the United States.