Our Constitution

The Birth of The U. S. Constitution

June 17, 2024 John Barrett 7

The Birth of The Constitution of The United States of America A constitution is the document that constitutes or creates a government. It is a contract between the people and the government.  As is described in the Declaration of Independence, under the American Constitution, the people grant certain powers to the government, and in return, the government is to secure the natural rights of the people. James Madison was the primary architect of the Constitution. He was the one who came to the convention with the ideas that resulted in the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was not at the Constitutional Convention. He was the Ambassador to France at the time. However, there was a series of […]

Our Constitution

A Republic Versus A Democracy, Why?

June 13, 2024 John Barrett 1

A Republic Versus A Democracy… The Details: My bet is that virtually all of you have been taught that the U.S. is a democracy. That is wrong. The U.S. is a republic. And the difference is extremely important. The Constitution only refers to a form of government in one place. Article 4, Section 4, states, “The United States shall guarantee to each State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” What is the difference between a republic and a democracy? When I was in school, I was taught that the use of representatives made us a representative democracy or republic, as opposed to a direct democracy. That is certainly in line with current dictionaries. […]

Our Constitution

What Are Unalienable Rights

April 4, 2024 John Barrett 0

Exploring the Source of Our Rights…and Why No Entity Can Take Them From You Thomas Jefferson was very clear as to the source of our rights and why that was important.  No matter what you may have heard about Thomas Jefferson –  I know when I was in high school, it was we were taught that Jefferson was an atheist – he spent a good portion of his life crediting God for our country and promoting that idea that our rights are the gift of God. In Rights of British America (1774), Jefferson wrote, “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot […]

Our Constitution

Why The Electoral College

June 16, 2023 John Barrett 0

The Electoral College and the Vote…Why An Electoral College? Americans have no constitutionally protected right to vote in a federal election. We have the right to not be discriminated against in voting, based on race, color, previous condition of servitude (15th amendment), sex (19th amendment), failure to pay a poll tax (24th amendment) or age, if at least 18 (26th amendment).  But there is no right to vote in a federal election. How the electors for President are chosen is determined by each state’s legislature Following the 2000 presidential election, there was a dispute as to how votes were to be counted and recounted in Florida.  The case went to the U.S. Supreme Court, twice. […]

Our Founders

Algernon Sidney, Unsung Founding Father

June 5, 2022 John Barrett 0

Algernon Sidney, An Unsung Founder Every year, as we approach the anniversary of his beheading, I pay tribute to Algernon Sidney.  Since so few people have heard of Col. Sidney, much less know of his influence on the founding fathers, I believe it is important to provide some information about him. Algernon Sidney was an associate of John Locke and one of the luminaries of the Whig Movement (not to be confused with the Whig Party in the U.S.). While Locke fled to Holland upon being implicated in the Rye House Plot to assassinate, King Charles II, Col. Sidney stayed and was arrested.  At trial, the primary evidence against Col. Sidney was the manuscript for […]


Russel, A World War Two Story

March 2, 2021 John Barrett 0

Russel, a story from World War II… The Founding Project staff noticed a veteran’s story posted on Facebook and asked the author to please share the story with TFP’s readers.  This is just one story, but, in many ways, it is a story felt by many.  Russel is one man and, in many ways, every man who saw combat in WWII.   It is a glimpse of the heart, mind and life of one soldier from once upon a time in America…as told by his son.  Special thanks to John Barrett for sharing his father’s story with us… [Editor’s Note: Subheadings were added to comply with SEO requirements for internet publication.] Russel, One Soldier’s Story […]


TFP’s Gun Safety Series: Part 4

October 24, 2017 thefpAdmin 0

NRA Gun Safety Instructor and TFP Writer, John B. Barrett, continues the Gun Safety Series… Gun Safety Series-Part 4: Actual Use of Your Firearm Once you have chosen a cartridge and firearm you must choose the ammunition you will use. Ammo for Your Firearm: Some ranges may require hardball or full metal jacket ammunition to limit lead exposure. This is never an acceptable choice for defensive ammunition. It does not expand to transfer energy to your target.  It can ricochet.  And it may well penetrate your target with enough energy to seriously wound or kill others. For defensive purposes, a jacketed hollow point is the better option. Jacketed hollow points expand in a controlled manner […]


Gun Safety Series: Part 3, Home and Personal Protection

October 9, 2017 John Barrett 0

TFP’s Gun Safety Series – Part 3: Protection Home Safety and Protection Although I am a pistol instructor, I always recommend a pump-action shotgun for defense and protection inside the home. A shotgun is much easier to aim, particularly under stress, every criminal knows the sound of a pump-action shotgun being cycled, and is unlikely to stick around, it is less likely to be inadvertently left where children can find it, and it is much more likely to stop a threat. Tacky Psyche Effect, the Consequences As I noted in a prior post, the Tacky Psyche Effect degrades your fine motor skills. As a result, when a person is under stress, it becomes very difficult […]


Gun Safety: Part 2

September 18, 2017 John Barrett 0

Gun Safety – Part 2: Safety is, and must always be first. Most of those considering the purchase of a firearm for the first time do so because they wish to protect themselves and/or their families. That is, they want to ensure their own and their families’ safety.  It defeats that purpose to use or store the weapon in a way that endangers those they love. So safety must always be the first consideration. ____________ WARNING: THERE ARE INHERENT LIMITATIONS TO ANY ARTICLE ON FIREARMS SAFETY. IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN TRAINED IN THE SAFE HANDLING OF FIREARMS, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU TAKE A COURSE TAUGHT BY AN NRA CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR FOR THE TYPE […]


The Gun Safety Series, Part 1

August 28, 2017 John Barrett 0

Gun Safety: An Introduction Part 1: Meet Your Gun Safety Instructor I started shooting a .22 rifle when I was 4 years old.  My 11th birthday present was my own .22 rifle. I started shooting high-powered rifles and shotguns that same year. My father gave me a shotgun and a .30-30 when I was 13 or 14 years old. My father, a former FBI Agent, waited until I was 13 or 14 to teach me to shoot a handgun – a wise decision given how my father taught me to shoot them, as I will explain later. I began writing editorials and letters to the editor defending the right to keep and bear arms while […]