The Founding Principles

Ants Like Authoritarianism, Do We?

May 16, 2023 Tony Wyman 0

A Case for Freedom in Human Society Ants like authoritarianism, so who are we to argue? 10 quadrillion ants* will wake up today on nearly every continent on the planet and go about doing ant things without a single thought as to the state of being for an ant.  No ant Marx will ask why the means of production seem to disproportionately benefit the Queen.  No ant Jefferson will declare that all ants have certain unalienable rights that come, not from fellow ants, but from God Himself.  No ant Rand* will declare that all ants are individuals beholden to no other ant or ant colony. No, every ant will get up and unquestioningly do what […]

Our Government

The Free Market: Trading Pudding for Pickles

January 12, 2023 Tony Wyman 3

Part of the TFP Founding Principle Series, Tony Wyman continues with an explanation of Free Markets. Trading Pudding for Pickles ~ How the Free Market Made School Lunches Great No matter how many times I told my mother that I absolutely despised Snak Pak Butterscotch Pudding, every day I opened my lunch box in middle school, there it was. That vile, brown-grey paste, sitting in its little plastic tub, took up space in my lunch that should have been occupied by the food I craved most: Vlasic dill pickles. But, my mother, who religiously packed my lunch every day, insisted that I didn’t actually like pickles and that every boy of a certain age absolutely […]