The Founding Project..
…Our team is staffed by volunteers from across the United States.
The most crucial individuals with our cause are
our talented writers/creative contributors
and dedicated social media followers,
whose names and faces you may see on a regular basis, as they help bring information to you via technology, social media and our Facebook Page and website.
The Founding Project is comprised solely of VOLUNTEERS,
people giving of their time and talents for a chance to DO something for our children and grandchildren.

Executive Committee
Behind the scenes, The Founding Project is managed by professionals dedicated to our cause, who handle daily operations:
Maggie Dine ~ President…comes to The Founding Project bringing a background in human resources, business management, and business development, along with experience with newspapers in her early career. The mother of four and “Grammie” of two also founded a nonprofit arts organization in 1989, which served thousands during its run through 2018. The Founding Project team knows Maggie as the one who can handle juggling many priorities at once. She calls it craziness, but we call it “multi-tasking”. Maggie currently manages her own business, serves on the board of a local foundation and has been part of her church’s mnusic ministry since 1987.
Peter Jergens ~ Vice President…lends his decades of education, computer/technology and business experience to The Founding Project with his main operations being the programming and maintenance of our website and other technical needs, along with lending education insight. Peter is also the president of a charitable foundation and has been a musician with his church’s contemporary ensemble for many years. When he isn’t making puns to the point of threats from The Founding Project team, Peter is most often found behind a computer or behind a golf club and is more than willing to taste test any beer our writes recommend. A father of four and also a grandfather, Peter recently left education to pursue an analytical-technical career and also assists with managing his family’s business.
Chris Watkins ~ Treasurer…brings the accountability to us in a numbers way. She is our accountant! Every organization should have someone, like Chris. She keeps our reporting up-to-date and our numbers crunched and balanced. When TFP isn’t keeping her challenged, her busy accounting practice has her more than busy. Chris studied accounting at the University of North Texas, Denton, TX and has over 35 years in the accounting field working in various industries with 13 of those years in public accounting. We’re all glad her professional path happened to cross paths with TFP.
TFP Advisors
The Founding Project benefits from the experience of several Advisors and Contributors, who donate their professional skills to TFP:
Jerome Huyler, PhD. ~ Political Science/Education Advisor…Jerome is a former assistant professor at Seton Hall University. He earned his PhD in political science from the New School University in 1992 and his bachelor’s degree from Brooklyn College, where he majored in philosophy. Dr. Huyler’s doctoral dissertation was edited for publication as Locke in America: The Moral Philosophy of the Founding Era (University Press of Kansas, 1995, 2001). He also authored Everything You Have: The Case Against Welfare (1980). Jerome has delivered talks at Columbia University, New York University, St. John’s University, Baruch College, and the University of Connecticut, among others. Jerome is an Economic and Political Scholar. These designations have been given in recognition of both his strong foundation and understand in Economic issues, but also for his commitment to the on-going research, teaching and support of the Constitution. Dr. Hulyer has been recognized as being both constitutionally savvy and sound in Constitutional reason.
Tony Wyman ~ Reporting and Media Advisor…Tony’s career began as a journalist, before he delved into other ambitions. But, besides being a savvy media advisor for us, he is also a writer for TFP and other media, so he gets to use his degrees in English and Political Science from Davis and Elkins College in West Virginia, while his “day job” keeps him busy with Westchester Protective Gear. Tony is a former USAF Captain and the father of five. He also makes our director laugh…a lot.
Cheryl Borland ~ Nonprofit Specialist and TFP Attorney…Cheryl is the managing partner for the Ohio office of a medium-sized law firm based in Pennsylvania and is known for always having a solution and a listening ear.
Peter Crowell Anderson ~ Historian…Peter joins The Founding Project as a Historian and Writer. Peter holds a Bachelor of Science in Historical Studies & Fine Arts from Boston University | Boston, Massachusetts. Anderson is employed as the Business Development Director of M1 Data and Analytics handling the Political Communications Division.
Dan Neiferd ~ Graphic Designer/Artist…Dan donated his talents to TFP in the varying versions of our logo. Dan was previously employed as an artist with Walt Disney Studios and currently works as a graphic designer for a printing enterprise in Florida. He made the design process easier and enjoyable.

The Founding Project is also joined by several other Advisors and Gifted Writers, whose bios can be found with their written contributions, and include our researchers and guest writers.
We would be remiss if we did not also mention our profound appreciation for our Facebook Moderators, our social media followers/members for their efforts to expand TFP’s outreach and form the heart of “Taking Civics To Citizens”.

The Co-Founders of The Founding Project:
Special thanks to Maggie, Peter, Dominic and Annette
Call this small band of dreamers, crazy, if you must, but it was this small team that first discussed the needs, goals and strategies of The Founding Project, battened down our beginnings and motto, “Freedom through Knowledge. Together.”, and came up with our name and logo together. Perhaps they are a bit bonkers to take on this kind of endeavor. The team locked heads, debated, pondered and planned, but determined that trying to do something for their nation, for unity, for freedom and posterity was a worthy goal.
They knew they had to try.