
From the Trenches…My Class

June 16, 2017 Guest Writer 0

Let me tell you about my school What education looks like “from the trenches” and with my homeroom class: I teach at a dropout recovery school that serves mostly inner-city kids. These kids cannot be in any other school, either because they are sex offenders, are on parole, have been homeless and away from school too long, are felons banned from other schools, or they have emotional, psychological, behavioral and/or learning disabilities that propel them out of mainstream schools to be at my school. Many of these kids have been pushed along in the public schools and are then bounced out of the public school to avoid having their low test scores affect the overall […]


The Tea Set and A Lesson

June 16, 2017 Joy Dixon Payne 2

The Tea Set I thought that china tea set was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.  Four little cups with saucers, four little plates and four plastic silver colored spoons and  a sugar bowl and creamer, painted with delicate pink and green flowers and edged in gold. Every time we went to Jitney Jungle on Saturday to buy groceries, I would head straight for the toy rack, holding my breath all the way out of fear the tea set would be gone.  It was always there.  I would pick up the box and stare into the cellophane window at the delicate little miniature dishes. I wanted that tea set badly but Mama always […]


Who Would Believe? (A Holiday Story)

June 4, 2017 Joy Dixon Payne 2

A nine-year-old and holiday boredom and a remedy… Who would believe a nine year old girl would be moping around because she had nothing to do on a holiday? Mama and my oldest sister were in the kitchen preparing Christmas Eve dinner and just chatting away about the new baby due in mid January. My sister was barricaded in her room with her friend, Sue Nutt, listening to records play on the record player. My brother had ridden off on his scooter to who knows where with his buddy Clark Carter. And there I sat. I knocked on my sister’s bedroom door. She cracked the door open and I asked to come in and visit. […]

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June 2, 2017 thefpAdmin 0