
I Hate Snakes

July 30, 2017 Joy Dixon Payne 2

I hate snakes. What started out as fear of snakes, because of an early childhood experience, turned into outright hate. And thus the story is told… We grew up on a working farm and we loved to play outside from right after first daylight until the crickets signaled nightfall was on the way as the sun slipped behind the tree line. It was a hot July day and my brother had just turned six years old.  I was the big sister at seven. Outside there was always some cool place to explore and play.  Forty acres of the home place was filled with all kinds of wonderous adventure.  Ponds, woods, a dairy barn, tool sheds, […]

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Eminent domain

July 23, 2017 thefpAdmin 0

The Founding Project Website

July 17, 2017 thefpAdmin 2

Website Went Live July 14, 2017! Today, The Founding Project took a major step forward….a website. The Founding Project, a 501(c)(3) education nonprofit dedicated to the Founding Principles, the U. S. Constitution, our founding and Civics, has added to its Civics education outreach. Following the successful launch of the TFP Civics education video series, “Civics For All Ages”, and their popular educational meme series, The Founding Project just unveiled their new TFP website. The news magazine format debuts with a handful of writers from varying professions, including retired professors, historians, attorneys and former news reporters and also includes quotes, memes and resources.  Articles range from focusing on the Constitution and meanings to discussion on the […]