Our Country

Opportunity and Absence of Coercion

August 17, 2020 Guest Writer 0

Building a Great Nation, Part 4 Freedom: Opportunity and Absence of Coercion Freedom is the opportunity to apply free will in personal goals and religious worship.  Freedom allows the ability to try, but it no way offers a guarantee of success. And for those who do not succeed or try in a free society, the government is not authorized to redistribute the wealth which comes from the labors of others. The Founders left that individual charity, families and churches be at the local levels. From the earliest colonial days, local governments took responsibility for their poor. However, able-bodied men and women generally were not supported by the taxpayers unless they worked.  Opportunity and Help for Those […]

The Founding Principles

Introducing The Founding Principles

July 31, 2020 Guest Writer 2

The Founding Principles: An Introduction While The Founding Project does not typically publish editorial pieces, this one seems to be a fitting introduction to a meme series The Founding Project will be rolling out over the coming weeks, which is all about The Founding Principles.  The Founding Principles are the ideals or concepts our Founders believed were the base of freedom and a guide for citizens to maintain the freedom for which they fought to hard to attain. As an introduction to this meme series, The Founding Project introduces a guest writer, who has served our nation and whose son now currently also serves.  Further, our guest writer also works to benefit the Gary Sinise […]

Our Constitution

Safety: Securing Our Constitutional Republic

April 25, 2020 Guest Writer 1

Safety… The Path of Freedom and Safety   “To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” – The Declaration of Independence On February 15, 2018, Nikolas Cruz committed an act of unspeakable evil. He ventured back to his former high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, in Parkland, Florida, to shoot and kill 17 people. He wounded at least a dozen more. Whether he was flagged as a threat to students in the past remains to be confirmed. The Miami Herald reported that Cruz, who was expelled from the school, was the subject of a warning email last year from the administration, flagging him as a […]

The Amendments

The Essence of the First Amendment

January 27, 2020 Eric Buss 0

Part of the Bill of Rights of The U.S. Constitution, the First Amendment leads our Bill of Rights with the first of the Rights our Founders specifically noted as being unalienable, unable to ever be taken.  Here, The Founding Project guest writer, Eric Buss, outlines the basics of this important amendment and list of untouchable Rights which work together to protect freedom. The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution Proposed: 08.25.1789 Ratified: 12.15.1791 “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for […]

Our Founders

Building a Great Nation, Part 3 ~ God, Source of Freedom

January 13, 2020 Guest Writer 0

God is the Source of Freedom; Building a Great Nation-Part 3 God is the Source of Freedom is Part 3 of the series: Building a Great Nation While the Declaration of Independence was declaring freedom Great Britain, it was also a declaration of dependence upon God for protection and deliverance, as well as an appeal to him to aid them in their righteous justification for seeking freedom: “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions,… with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence…” It was obvious to many of the founders that God had granted the gift of freedom. In 1774, Thomas Jefferson is quoted to have […]