
Campaign Manipulation and Alinsky

January 6, 2023 Margo Louis 1

How Manipulation Became Part of American Campaigns Saul Alinsky is an American author and community organizer often considered to be the father of modern community organizing.  He is often noted for his 1971 book, Rules for Radicals, along with a having a penchant for Satan.   Although, Alinsky is most often linked to recent political figures from the more liberal camps, who studied his works with great intensity, the use of Alinsky-type tactics can be found in numerous campaigns of both the social and activist type. Because the Alinsky method or methodology preys on emotions and a slow and steady manipulation of groups of people, it is important to be able to recognize these tactics […]


Unsung Hero of The Revolutionary War

January 3, 2023 Peter Crowell Anderson 0

A Little Known Hero of The American Revolution James Armistead (Lafayette) (1760-1832) The decisive victory of the American Revolution occurred at Yorktown Virginia on October 19th 1781. General Washington was able to surround and capture 8,000 British Soldiers and force the ultimate surrender of Britain to America. One man was responsible for the British decision to move their forces to the trap that was Yorktown. This man was the most effective spy for the Americans in the Revolutionary War. He was responsible for Lord Cornwallis’s move to Yorktown where Washington was able to surround and defeat the British Army. But, have you ever heard his name? James Armistead, His Story James Armistead was one of […]


The Hero of Pearl Harbor, the Dorie Story

December 7, 2022 Peter Crowell Anderson 0

The Hero of Pearl Harbor The Story of Dorie Miller, the Hero Who Saved Pearl Harbor 78 Years Ago, on December 7th 1941 Japan attached Pearl Harbor in Hawaii prompting Americas entry into World War Two. Dorie Miller  became the first American Hero of World War Two due to his courageous actions on that day. Dorie’s Early Life Miller was born in Waco, Texas, on October 12, 1919, to Connery and Henrietta Miller. He was named Doris, as the midwife who assisted his mother was convinced the baby would be female.  He was the third of four sons and helped around the house, cooking meals and doing laundry, as well as working on the family […]


The Poems of The Tenth Muse ~ America’s Poet

November 30, 2022 TFP Staff 0

Sampling the Poems of America’s First Female Poet Anne Bradstreet is considered to be America’s First Female Poet and among the first American Poets of record.   Her works were largely kept hidden, given the nature of Puritan life at that time (See TFP website article, The Tenth Muse, by Jonathan Henderson.) and were initially panned by critics, who did not understand the Puritan ways or her style. Her brother-in-law took her earlier writings to England for publication as The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, perhaps unknown to her, where they were published in 1650 and met with much  approval.  In 1658, her book was listed in the list of Most Vendible Books in […]

Our Constitution

The PreAmble: Bill of Rights

November 17, 2022 thefpAdmin 2

The PreAmble to the Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights was a specifically negotiated and planned addition to the U. S. Constitution as an assurance to guard against the federal government from becoming too powerful and to protect Individual Rights and there is importance to its PreAmble. The focus of the Bill of Rights is usually made upon the ten Amendments to the U. S. Constitution, which comprise the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights are the only amendments to the Constitution planned with a PreAmble and presented and ratified as a group of ten amendments. This PreAmble notes the purpose of the Bill of Rights and refers to the Fifth Article of […]

Our Founders

Prince Hall: Founder and Renowned Black Leader

November 15, 2022 Peter Crowell Anderson 0

Prince Hall: Building Blocks of Freedom for Slaves Known as a crucial black leader of his time, Prince Hall was one of the original Patriots of the American Revolution in Boston. Both he and his sons fought with George Washington as part of The Continental Army. He also founded the first Black American Organization and Institution  in 1775, the first black mason organization. His best known quote: “My brethren, let us pay all due respect to all who God had put in places of honor over us: do justly and be faithful to them that hire you, and treat them with the respect they may deserve; but worship no man. Worship God, this much is your duty […]

The Founding Principles

The Six Basic Constitution Principles

October 25, 2022 thefpAdmin 0

The Key Principles Powering Our Freedom The U.S. Constitution was constructed with Six (6) Basic Principles in Mind.   It is these basic guides that kept the authors of the Constitution on track and guided the content of the world’s greatest document of real freedom. Popular Sovereignty: Popular Sovereignty means “peoples’ rule” or that only the people empower the state or nation. “We the People”–the words at the beginning of The Constitution of the United States of America introduces popular sovereignty in the Constitution’s Preamble or introduction. The government of the United States was established by The People and the U. S. government derives its power solely from The People, the citizens of the United […]


The Making of a Tyrant: How Hitler Rose to Power

October 24, 2022 Tony Wyman 0

Hitler’s Rise to Power: How the Worst People Hoodwink a Nation Hitler…On September 12, 1919, a nondescript German corporal walked into a sparsely attended meeting of the German Workers’ Party in Munich.  Sent there to investigate the group by the German Army, at that time deeply involved in crushing Marxist groups trying to gain power, the corporal sat at the back of the beer hall in which the meeting took place. The corporal listened while economist Gottfried Feder gave a speech called, “How and by What Means is Capitalism to be Eliminated.” Unimpressed with what he heard, the young corporal got up to leave.  But, as he walked to the door, another speaker took Feder’s […]

Our Constitution

Our Constitution: America’s Legal Conservator of Natural Law

October 5, 2022 jhenderson 0

Conserving Natural Law In Law III of his Laws of Conservation and Energy, Sir Isaac Newton concluded “To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.” This best defines a political term of the same root word, conservatism, as the adherence according to Russell Kirk “to custom, convention, and continuity” through the spices permeating “the principle of variety.” As Edmund Burke too noted in a letter to Sir Hercule Langrishe in 1792, “We must all obey the great law of change.  It is the most powerful law of nature, and the means perhaps of its conservation,” though “Conservatives,” opined […]

Our Founders

Richard Henry Lee and Independence

October 5, 2022 Margo Louis 1

Richard Henry Lee and America’s Steps to Independence Richard Henry Lee was a prominent statesman from Virginia.  Though not a firebrand, like Patrick Henry, or quite as prolific as Thomas Paine, Lee became known as a powerful orator and writer.  His words, spoken and in print, were important cogs in the wheels that churned toward America’s independence from England. Lee was born in Virginia and following home tutoring and then schooling in England, he returned to America and served as a Justice of the Peace for Westmoreland County.  In 1758, he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses and was later a delegate to Continental Congress. The Steps Toward Independence Following the Seven Years […]

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