
The Hero of Pearl Harbor, the Dorie Story

December 7, 2022 Peter Crowell Anderson 0

The Hero of Pearl Harbor The Story of Dorie Miller, the Hero Who Saved Pearl Harbor 78 Years Ago, on December 7th 1941 Japan attached Pearl Harbor in Hawaii prompting Americas entry into World War Two. Dorie Miller  became the first American Hero of World War Two due to his courageous actions on that day. Dorie’s Early Life Miller was born in Waco, Texas, on October 12, 1919, to Connery and Henrietta Miller. He was named Doris, as the midwife who assisted his mother was convinced the baby would be female.  He was the third of four sons and helped around the house, cooking meals and doing laundry, as well as working on the family […]

Alice Augusta Ball, Unsung American Chemist

November 25, 2022 Peter Crowell Anderson 0

Alice Augusta Ball: The Woman Who Cured Leprosy So few know the name, Alice Augusta Ball or her accomplishments, because initially another man took credit for her work. But Alice Augusta Ball is a black woman and is now known for significantly contributing to medical discoveries and firsts for women.  This is her story… Leprosy or Hansen’s Disease One of the most virulent plagues known to mankind is Leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease.   Because the disease was highly contagious, painful and disfiguring, and known to cause certain death, patients with Leprosy were immediately forced into quarantine far from others.   Patients experienced slow, miserable deaths due to this disease with little to comfort them. […]


Civics and The Protection of Freedom

October 28, 2022 Maggie Dine 0

Civics:  Americans Can Be Outdone by Immigrants Civics and the U. S. Citizen The Founding Fathers of the United States of America most deliberately and brilliantly made Individual Rights the shining star of the Constitution.  It was the absolute sticking point for every Founding Father and a critical element of the U.S. Constitution. It is the Individual Rights recognized as indestructible by man or government that makes the United States a Constitutional Republic and specifically guards against any other form of government from monarchy to simple democracy or majority rule.  The Constitution boldly declares that these Individual Rights are iron clad.  They cannot be chipped, changed, challenged, chopped or cheated away from citizens. The Big […]

Our Founders

Richard Henry Lee and Independence

October 5, 2022 Margo Louis 1

Richard Henry Lee and America’s Steps to Independence Richard Henry Lee was a prominent statesman from Virginia.  Though not a firebrand, like Patrick Henry, or quite as prolific as Thomas Paine, Lee became known as a quite the powerful orator and writer.  His words, spoken and in print, were important cogs in the wheels that churned toward America’s independence from England. Early Life Lee was born in Virginia and following home tutoring and then schooling in England, he returned to America and served as a Justice of the Peace for Westmoreland County.  In 1758, he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses and was later a delegate to Continental Congress. The Steps Toward Independence […]


50 Ways to Leave Your Freedom

July 18, 2022 Maggie Dine 2

50 Ways to Leave Your Freedom (or How to Lose Your Freedom in 10 Days) Freedom…we talk about it often. It is also a commodity most Americans have always experienced.  Americans may even take freedom for granted.  We’ve not experienced horrific oppression or living as serfs with overlords.  It’s easy to recognize the peasant – lord or king – subject dynamic. But, could we recognize freedom being slowly whittled away from us? We saw how easy it was for movie star, Kate Hudson, to lose her boyfriend in a recent movie, “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”.  After luring a boyfriend, she slowly destroyed their relationship over the course of ten days. Prior […]


The Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theory

June 27, 2022 Margo Louis 0

The Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theory: How Conspiracy Theories Are Born Conspiracy: The War against The National Anthem Conspiracy theories have a long history of being destructive to America and Americans.  Over decades, they have inspired hate, violence, and turmoil in the nation.  To protect the nation and its citizens, Americans have a duty to be accurately informed and to stop the spread of harmful misinformation (accidentally wrong information) and disinformation (purposefully wrong information).  Understanding how conspiracy theories develop, even ones that occur somewhat innocently, helps Americans to live up to that civic duty. An Incident Several years ago, a prominent airline neared its destination and the pilot announced to his passengers that the flight […]


Freedom and Weapons, History Speaks

May 12, 2022 TFP Staff 0

Safety and Weapons from History’s Perspective  When considering private citizens and weapons, our Founding Fathers (and Founding Mothers) could not have been more clear in their emphasis on several key ingredients to a solid, successful and free nation.  They distinctly prized Individual Rights and the accompanying Freedom that comes with those Rights.  They were firm in their belief that only a sound and moral citizenry could support real freedom.  They placed faith, family and home high as priorities to support.  Our Founders risked their lives and some lost their lives to support their freedom and be able to hand that freedom down to their children. Part of the Freedom they cherished included the ability to […]

Our Founders

The Mamas, The Papas and Our Founding

May 4, 2022 thefpAdmin 4

We cannot forget the mamas… The term, “Founders”, has long been in use, however the term, “Founding Fathers” wasn’t used until 1916.  Warren Harding first used the term in his RNC Convention address in 1916 and again in his inaugural speech in 1921. However, no one should let that latter term distract from the real work of freedom, which was fought for by America’s Founding FAMILIES…papas, mamas and sometimes also their children. While much focus has gone to George, Thomas, Ben, and their cohorts, it cannot be forgotten that America’s Founding Families faced incredible challenges and sacrifices in the name of freedom. A Different Life Unlike today’s politicians, the colonial era leaders all had thriving […]

Our Government

Polling in the United States: Safe?

February 1, 2022 Maggie Dine 0

Assessing Polling in the United States of America…How Safe is Your Vote? The Constitution of the United States gives the states the power to handle polling (voting) in accordance with the Constitution. But, how does each state handle polling? And, how do Americans determine how safe their vote is and whether some claims about voting are true or not? The United States has some basic compliance laws for polling/voting.   The federal government established an independent commission and programs to assist each state to assure safe polling.  In addition, the United States tasks federal departments with providing cybersecurity and other assistance, guidance and monitoring to further safeguard voting in the United States. But…How does a […]

Our Country

A Priest, A Rabbi and Two Ministers…

January 28, 2022 Maggie Dine 0

Remembering The Four Chaplains Remembering the Four Chaplains:  The U.S. Army transfer ship, the Dorchester, was loaded with 751 new soldiers, mostly teens and young adults, heading off to serve in World War II.  It was February 2, 1943 when they boarded and were joined by the crew,  some civilian workers and four chaplains, the onboard count was 900 people, crammed tightly onto the ship.  The ship sailed from Boston Harbor with a destination of Greenland. The seas were rough and most spent their time feeling sick as they tried to sleep below deck. On February 3rd, a German submarine targeted the heavily laden ship and three torpedoes struck it, immediately killing many and sending […]

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