Our Founders

Button, The Most Valuable Signature

November 27, 2024 thefpAdmin 0

Button and the His Record-Breaking Signature Button Gwinnett – April circa 1735 to May 19, 1777 – Politics, rivalry and a duel Button was one of three Georgia signers of the Declaration of Independence. He served in Georgia’s colonial legislature in the Second Continental Congress and as president of the Revolutionary Council of Safety.  His life, though short, followed a varied path than ultimately led to politics. From The Beginning Gwinnett was born in Down Hatherly, England in 1735.  He married Ann Bourne in 1757 and the couple had three daughters.  The couple moved from England to America in 1762. Prior to his involvement in government service, Button was an unsuccessful merchant. His retail attempts […]

Our Founders

Prince Hall: Founder and Renowned Black Leader

November 15, 2022 Peter Crowell Anderson 0

Prince Hall: Building Blocks of Freedom for Slaves Known as a crucial black leader of his time, Prince Hall was one of the original Patriots of the American Revolution in Boston. Both he and his sons fought with George Washington as part of The Continental Army. He also founded the first Black American Organization and Institution  in 1775, the first black mason organization. His best known quote: “My brethren, let us pay all due respect to all who God had put in places of honor over us: do justly and be faithful to them that hire you, and treat them with the respect they may deserve; but worship no man. Worship God, this much is your duty […]